Now on my Etsy shop: Plott Hound puppy and Three little Pigs painting print. This original painting won Honorable Mention at the "Southern Menagerie" exhibit at the Raleigh Convention Center. The original painting was sold, but the prints are available for purchase. They are printed on high quality photo matte paper and framed in a 8x8 size frame. Makes a great gift!
Woof Gang Bakery at North Hills in Raleigh has been reeling in the customers, which is awesome!! Here are a few custom pet portraits I painted for those customers. I love when the customers send me photos of their beloved painting hanging on their wall! Thanks for your support. :)
Daylight Savings Day is this Sunday, March 11. To celebrate, you have the opportunity to receive 10% off ANY item in my Etsy shop. This includes custom pet portraits, custom pendant necklaces, and custom stationery. Start your browsing, folks! :) www.amyscreativecorner.etsy.com
It is March 1 already?! Holy Whackers batman!! Here are a couple of the art shows and markets that are around the corner.
Sunday, April 15 is a personal art show at Revolver Consignment in downtown Raleigh on Glenwood South. It will be from 1-5 and there will be small food selections and drinks! Will be hosting it with my friend, Marilyn Tilley, who is bringing her handmade wares! Free admission.
Saturday, April 21 is the Art for Animals Event at the Cloer Family Vineyards. It is sponsored by the Apex Arts Council and will last from 10am-6pm. Admission is free, but donations are gladly acccepted. All proceeds will be donated to animal rescue groups.
Saturday and Sunday, April 28 and 29 is the Durham Art Walk. Free admission and LOTS of great artists will be at this huge event. Find out more about Durham.